Covid-19 patient admitted in Covid Centres to be provided with ₹300 daily

Amid the Covid-19 crisis, the new health minister of Assam, Keshab Mahanta on Friday, 14th May has said that currently there are 1,42,000 vaccines available for people above age 45 in the state. The health minister had further said that around 2.34 lakh Covid-19 vaccines are available for people above age 18 in Assam.

While speaking on tea labourers, he said that home isolation for positive Covid-19 tea labourers will not be allowed in Assam. The minister had further said Covid-19 patients will be provided with 300 rupees staying in the Covid care centers across Assam.

The state government will also give 2000 rupees to BPL card holder families residing in the containment zone. Assam detected 5,468 fresh Covid-19 cases on Thursday with 75 new deaths. Kamrup Metro district reported highest number of cases with 1,173 infections in the last 24 hours. While Dibrugarh district reported 452 cases on Thursday.


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