

Exclusive articles:

Double mutant strain of Covid-19 found in Assam

In a shocking revelation, the double mutant Covid-19 virus' existence has been found in Assam. It has been found on air passengers while undergoing...

State mourns the demise of singer Vitali Das

Prominent Assamese singer Vitali Das succumbed to Covid-19 on Wednesday at the GMCH after fighting with the dreaded disease from some days. The noted singer ...

Assam | DCs empowered to close educational institutions amid rising Covid-19 cases

District administrations of Assam have been empowered to close all educational institutions of their respective districts if the number of Covid-19 positive cases surge...

Assam | Funds donated in Aryogya Nidhi to be used for vaccination

Assam Government will be acquiring two crore doses of Covid-19 vaccine to inoculate all eligible citizens of the state of 18 years of age...

Deori Bihu’ celebrated in Assam amid Covid-19 pandemic

The indigenous Deori community of Assam celebrated there traditional 'Bohagi Bihu' which is known as ‘Ebaku Bishu’ in their community. The Deori community celebrates...


৩ শিক্ষকে অপহৰণ কৰিলে পৰীক্ষা দিবলৈ যোৱা শিক্ষার্থীক

উত্তৰ প্ৰদেশৰ বালিয়াত সংঘটিত হৈছে এক শিহৰণকাৰী অপহৰণ কাণ্ড।...

গোলাঘাটৰ বেজবৰুৱা চাৰিআলিত চিলনী চোৰৰ ত্ৰাস

গোলাঘাটৰ বেজবৰুৱা চাৰিআলিত চিলনী চোৰৰ ত্ৰাস। মহিলাৰ বেগৰ পৰা...

দুজন মানুহৰ জীৱনৰ মূল্য ২০ হাজাৰ টকা!

কেৱল ধন-সম্পত্তিৰ মোহত বন্দী একাংশৰ বাবে যেন নোহোৱা হৈছে...

মহাবিদ্যালয় চৌহদতে ছাত্ৰীয়ে শেষ কৰিলে জীৱন, গুৱাহাটীৰ কন্যা মহাবিদ্যালয়ত ভয়ংকৰ ঘটনা

মহানগৰীত চাঞ্চল্যকৰ ঘটনা। কলেজতে নিজকে শেষ কৰি দিলে এগৰাকী...