বিপদঘন্টা বাজিছে ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়াৰ

ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়াৰ বিপদঘন্টা বাজিছে। বক্ৰ পথেৰে চাকিৰ লোৱাসকলৰ বিৰুদ্ধে অভিযান তীব্ৰতৰ হৈছে। একাংশ এ পি এছ, এ চি এছ বিষয়াৰ পেটলৈ এতিয়া ভাত যোৱা নাই। কোনোবাই বিচাৰিছে অগ্ৰীম জামিন। কোনোবা বিষয়া ছুটী লৈ আছে বহিঃৰাজ্যত। তাৰ মাজতেই একাংশই পলায়ন কৰিছে বিপদত পৰাৰ ভয়ত।

দুৰ্নীতি-অনিয়ম সংঘটিত কৰাসকল যাক দেখি দৌৰিছিল,
এতিয়া তেওঁলোকেই দৌৰিছে-পলাই ফুৰিছে কাৰণ বিপদঘন্টা বাজিছে

বক্ৰপথেৰে চাকৰি লোৱা ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়াক গ্ৰেপ্তাৰ অভিযান আৰম্ভ হৈছে। সোমবাৰে নিশাৰে পৰা আৰম্ভ হৈছে SITৰ অভিযান। যোৰহাট ক্ৰাইম ব্ৰান্সৰ অতিৰিক্ত আৰক্ষী অধীক্ষক
শ্বাহজাহান সৰকাৰক গ্ৰেপ্তাৰ
ওদালগুৰিৰ অতিৰিক্ত আৰক্ষী অধীক্ষক ঐশ্বৰ্য জীৱন বৰুৱাক গ্ৰেপ্তাৰ
বুধবাৰে বিয়লি দুয়োকে বিশেষ আদালতত হাজিৰ কৰোৱা হয়। পুনৰ ৫ দিনৰ বাবে SITৰ জিন্মালৈ প্ৰেৰণ কৰা হয় আৰক্ষীৰ দুই উচ্চপদস্থ বিষয়াক।
এই SITৰ তালিকাত আছে ৩৭ ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়াৰ নাম
সেইসকলৰ মূৰত যেন সৰগ ভাগি পৰিল। মুখা খোল খালে। এতিয়া শাস্তিৰ ভয়। ইয়াৰে একাংশই আগতীয়া জামিনৰ বাবে এতিয়া খৰধৰ কৰিছে। আকংশ বিষয়া ছুটিলৈ আছে বহিঃৰাজ্যত। আন একাংশ বিষয়াৰ পলায়ন। ‘APSC কেলেংকাৰিৰ তদন্তক গভীৰতম মাত্ৰালৈ নিবলৈ সাজু আৰক্ষী’। নিশা ৩৫ ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়াৰ সন্ধানত কেইবাস্থানত চলিল SITৰ অভিযান। অভিযানৰ উমান পাই পলায়ন ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়াৰ।

গুৱাহাটীৰ পৰা পলায়ন কৰিছে ৰাকেশ দাস নামৰ এজন ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়াই। গুৱাহাটীত নিয়োগ বিষয়া হিচাপে কৰ্মৰত নলবাৰীৰ ৰাকেশ দাস। ৰাকেশ দাস পলায়ন এক্সপাৰ্ট। এয়া চাওক। প্ৰায় ২৭ মাহ পূৰ্বে এ পি এছ চি কেলেংকাৰীক লৈ জোকাৰণিৰ সৃষ্টি হৈছিল ৰাজ্যত। কোনো বিষয়াই তেতিয়াও কোনো কথাই কোৱা নাছিল কেমেৰাৰ সন্মুখত। তেতিয়া বিল্পৱ শৰ্মাৰ তদন্ত প্ৰক্ৰিয়াত অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰিবলৈ গৈছিল ৰাকেশ দাস। তেতিয়া আয়োগৰ সন্মুখত ছ’চিয়লজি আৰু নলবাৰী শব্দটোও শুদ্ধকৈ লিখিব পৰা নাছিল ৰাকেশ দাসে ৰাকেশ পালৰ আশীৰ্বাদত এ পি এছ চিত উত্তীৰ্ণ হৈ ৰাকেশ দাসৰ দৰে একাংশ হৈছিলগৈ ৰাজপত্ৰিত বিষয়া। আৰু আয়োগৰ সন্মুখত জ্ঞানৰ নমুনা দেখুৱাই কেমেৰাৰ পৰা এইদৰেই পলাইছিল ৰাকেশ দাসে। এইবাৰো হয়তো ৰাকেশ দাস আৰু আন একাংশ এইদৰেই পলাল। হয়তো আকৌ ধৰা পৰিব কৰবাত।


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  2. Chewing Exercises

    Yawning Stretch

    Bite and Hold

    Tongue Push

    Jaw Shifting

    Chewing Noises

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    # Jawline Exercises That You Can Use to Reshape Your Jawline

    By Adrija Chakraborty

    What is Jawline?
    A jawline is the outline of your lower face, formed by the bones and muscles
    beneath the skin. It plays a significant role in facial symmetry and can influence how you appear.
    Different jawlines can give you distinct features,
    such as a defined chin, a soft jaw, or a square

    ### Types of Jawlines
    1. **Square Jaw**: A strong, angular jawline that creates a bold contour.

    2. **Oval Jaw**: A softer look with rounded edges.
    3. **Pointed Jaw**: A narrower, more angular structure.
    4. **Rounder Jaw**: A fuller, rounder appearance at the bottom of the face.

    ### Do Jawline Exercises Work?
    Jawline exercises can help strengthen and tone the muscles in your lower face, potentially
    leading to a more defined jawline. While results may vary depending on factors like genetics
    and consistency, regular exercise can enhance your facial structure over time.

    ### Jawline Exercises to Reshape Your Jawbone

    #### Neck Curl-Ups
    – **How to Do**: Sit up straight and tilt your head back so that your chin touches your chest.
    Lift the weight of your neck and hold for 5 seconds before lowering.
    Repeat 10-15 times.

    #### Tongue Twisters
    – **How to Do**: Stick out your tongue as far as possible, then quickly retract it while pressing down with your lips.
    Repeat 10-15 times to strengthen facial muscles.

    #### Side Kisses
    – **How to Do**: Close one eye and pucker the opposite side of your mouth to kiss your cheek.

    Switch sides and repeat 10-12 times per side.

    #### Chin-Ups
    – **How to Do**: Sit in a chair with your hands behind your head, lift your chest, and press your chin up as far as possible without lifting your hands from your head.

    Hold for 5 seconds, then lower slowly. Repeat 10-15 times.

    #### Vowel Notes
    – **How to Do**: Open your mouth wide and say a
    vowel sound like “A,” “E,” or “I” for as long as possible.
    This strengthens the facial muscles used in chewing and swallowing.

    #### Moon Kissing
    – **How to Do**: Pucker your lips and imagine kissing the moon while keeping your eyes closed.

    Hold for 5 seconds, then switch sides and repeat 10-15
    times per side.

    #### Collar-Bone Backups
    – **How to Do**: Place one hand on your collarbone and press
    backward with your other hand to feel the muscle contraction. Hold for 5 seconds, then release and repeat 10-15 times per side.

    #### Clenches and Releases
    – **How to Do**: Clench your jaw firmly for 5 seconds, then relax
    it completely. Repeat 10-15 times to relieve tension in facial muscles.

    #### Chin Saggs
    – **How to Do**: Tuck your tongue into your mouth and gently pull down your lower jaw as far as you can. Hold for 10
    seconds, then release. Repeat 5-6 times per side.

    #### Chin Slide
    – **How to Do**: Sit or stand with your head upright. Slowly
    slide your chin forward as far as it can go without moving your head.

    Hold for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat
    10-12 times.

    #### Lip Presses
    – **How to Do**: Press your lips together firmly while keeping
    your face relaxed. Hold for 10 seconds, then release.
    Repeat 10-15 times.

    ### Restore the Jawbone
    For those looking to reshape their jawline, consistent
    exercise and proper nutrition are key. Strengthening exercises can help rebuild and firm up the jawbone over time.

    ### Lower Jowl Lift
    – **How to Do**: Sit in a chair with your feet
    flat on the floor. Engage your core and lift your
    lower jowl (the fatty tissue below your cheekbones) by pressing
    your lips together firmly. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax.
    Repeat 10-12 times per side.

    ### Mouth Stretches
    – **How to Do**: Open your mouth wide and stretch your lips outward.
    Hold for 10 seconds, then release slowly. Repeat 5-6 times to aid in facial
    relaxation and muscle activation.

    ### Cheek Stretches
    – **How to Do**: Smile widely and feel the stretch in your cheeks.
    Gently hold your face with your fingers to encourage stretching.

    Hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5-6 times per side.

    ### Other Things to do to Get Perfect Jawline

    #### Is Chewing Gum Good for Jawline?
    Chewing gum can help strengthen jaw muscles and improve
    facial structure. However, overdoing it can cause jaw pain or TMJ issues.
    Moderate chewing is beneficial but should be avoided at
    bedtime to prevent discomfort.

    #### Jawline Exercises Before and After
    Results from jawline exercises may take weeks or months to appear.
    Consistency is key, so patience is necessary when aiming for a more defined

    ### Summing Up on Jawline Exercise
    Jawline exercises can help you achieve a more defined and attractive jawline, but they work
    best when combined with a healthy diet and proper hygiene.
    Consistency and patience are essential for seeing
    long-term results.

    ## FAQs

    ### Is Jawline Attractive?
    Jawlines are often considered attractive as they contribute to facial symmetry and definition. A well-structured jawline can make you appear more youthful or confident.

    ### Can Chewing Gum Help Jawline?
    Chewing gum can help strengthen the muscles in your jaw, potentially leading to a more defined jawline.
    However, excessive chewing can cause issues like jaw pain or TMJ disorder.
    Moderation is key.

    ### How Long Should You Chew Gum for Jawline?

    Moderate chewing (5-10 times per minute) can be
    beneficial for jawline strength. Avoid prolonged periods of chewing gum, especially before bed, to prevent

    ### What is a Perfect Jawline?
    A perfect jawline varies by individual preference but often refers to one that is balanced,
    symmetrical, and free from excess fat or tension.

    ### The Power of Mindful Eating: Techniques for a Healthy Relationship with Food
    Mindful eating involves paying attention to your hunger cues and savoring your meals without distractions.
    This can help maintain a healthy weight and support jawline
    definition through proper nutrition.

    ### The importance of Hydration: Water, Electrolytes, and Optimal
    Fluid Intake
    Staying hydrated is essential for overall health.

    Water helps flush toxins, maintain saliva production, and
    keep skin elastic, which contributes to a youthful appearance.
    Ensure you’re drinking enough water daily, especially when exercising.

    Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods can provide sustained
    energy levels. Incorporate foods like spinach, avocados, nuts, and
    lean proteins into your meals to fuel your body and support overall health.

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