78 prisoners inside Karimganj district jail test Covid-19 positive

The spread of Covid-19 in Assam is increasing at a rapid rate as it has started to affect the jails of Assam also. Around 78 new coronavirus infections have been reported in Karimganj district jail after two prisoners tested positive for coronavirus a few days back.

According to reports, two prisoners had tested positive for Covid-19 a few days back and they became the super spreaders in the jail. With the condition getting worse inside the jail, the jail administration had to made a temporary health center within the premises for treatment of the prisoners.

Earlier on Friday, 34 prisoners had tested positive for the dreaded coronavirus and on Sunday, 44 more tested positive for Covid-19. The situation inside the jail is getting grim and the jail administration is assuming that it might again spread to other prisoners and the situation will be uncontrollable.


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