ULFA-I accuses Assam Police of spreading rumours

Guwahati, June 08 (NKTV): The United Liberation Front of Asom Independent (ULFA-I) in a statement today has accused the Assam Police of spreading baseless rumours about the organisation.

The ULFA’s jibe came after a news piece was Published in an Assamese Newspaper claiming that the insurgents have demanded money from Commercial Institutions in Upper Assam.

“After announcing unilateral ceasefire for three Months on May 15, ULFA (I) has never been indulged in incidents like demanding money from any Commercial Institutions or Tea Garden Authorities” ULFA (I) clarified in the statement.

Coming down heavily on the Assam Police, ULFA-I asked “Why has the Assam Police, to hide their own incompetency, chosen to pitch such a rumour on ULFA (I) without any evidence?”

“It is not something new that the Indian Army and Assam Police have intentionally tried to conspire against ULFA (I) to defame them systematically” stated ULFA-I.


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