Pregnant Covid-19 positive women left alone by Ambulance in Naharkatia

In a rather tragic incident a pregnant woman was ditched in an ambulance after the medical workers of the ambulance learnt that the patient was Covid-19 positive. This inhuman incident occurred in Naharkatia, Assam.

Reportedly, the woman was brought in an ambulance of Oil India Limited to Duliajan’s OIL hospital for routine checkup.  As shw was found to be infected by the dreaded virus in the rapid antigen test, the women  was sent back for home quarantine until she tests negative.

On her way home, the health workers of the ambulance left her alone in the vehicle and fled when they learnt of her condition. She was abandoned a few kilometers away from her home.

The heath workers have been greatly criticized after the incident came to light and their work ethics questioned.


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