Petition filed in SC for complete re-verification of draft NRC published on 2019

An Interim application was filed in the Writ Petition, Assam Public Works versus Union of India & others by Hitesh Dev Sarma (State NRC Coordinator, Assam) on May 08, 2021 praying for complete re-verification of draft NRC published on August 31, 2019 and the same was accepted on May 11, 2021 by the Supreme Court for the further hearing.

As Hitesh Dev Sarma in his IA contended that the names of many illegal migrants got mentioned in it besides this he tried to draw the attention of apex Court on a bunch of anomalies found in draft NRC due to which a large number of ineligible applicants got their names in final draft and ultimately the real purpose of NRC is not fulfilled. The hearing on an IA filed by Hitesh Dev Sarma is yet to be fixed.


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