OPD services to hit today as AMSA goes for OPD boycott all over Assam

In a heinous incident, a doctor who was on duty had been attacked by some miscreants in a Covid-19 care center in Lanka of Assam. The incident has brought immense sensation and huge uproar in the state. Condeming the incident, the Assam Medical Services Association(AMSA) is going for OPD boycott all over Assam in protest for against the incident till all person arrest.

In a press release the AMSA said “We are going to withdraw OPD services tomorrow (2nd June) so that people realise the importance. If next time any such incident occurs happened to assault any health workers, we will immediately cease all services all over the state.” they further added.

Duty staff in emergency service and Covid-19 centre will wear black badge in protest of the horrendous act that occured on Tuesday. The AMSA has also demanded that all the victims must be arrested and punished with law of the land. AMSA has further asked the government that the security of all hospital to be geared up.

Assam Health security force should be start immediately. CISF (Central Industrial Security Force ) and AISF (Assam Industrial Security Force). As initiation of “Health security Force” will take longer time we request immediate recruitment of temporary security force for Hospital.


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