Moran | Covid Care Centre in dilapidated condition

A rapid surge in the number of Covid-19 cases have been haunting the state of Assam. At a time when the Health Department of the state has been relentlessly continuing its efforts to break the chain of transmission serve the Covid affected patients, a different picture is being witnessed at the Mahmara Revenue Circle of Moran.

A Covid Care Centre located at Ushapur Playground, that has the capacity to treat 150 patients at a time, is presently in dilapidated condition. Allegedly, not a single patient had been treated at the centre. The centre, being unused for a long time, has now started deteriorating.

Local residents have demanded the renovation of the care centre. “Rather than spending huge amounts of money for the construction of a new Covid Care Centre, it would be a wise step to renovate the existing centre here”.

It may be mentioned here that the playground to is presently not being utilized because of the presence of the Covid Care Centre.


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