Maruti Swift to Lamborghini | Assam mechanic’s fascinating creation

Guwahati, June 20 (NKTV): A motor mechanic from Karimganj has miraculously transformed a Maruti Swift into a Lamborghini to fulfill his dream of driving a sports car.

Nurul Haque modified an old Maruti Swift, with an investment of around six lakh rupees, to look like a Lamborghini.

Haque, who owns a garage in Karimganj, said that it was his dream to make and drive a luxury sports car and his love for Lamborghini made him take up the project.

It may be mentioned here that Haque has been working on the project for the past eight months.

“I started building parts of a Lamborghini model by watching videos on YouTube” Haque said. He started removing parts of the old Maruti Swift and started building and fitting new parts accordingly.


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