Breaking | DTO and Enforcement Inspector of Karimganj suspended

Guwahati, June 17 (NKTV): As per the direction of Assam Transport Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary, two officials of the Transport Department viz. DTO of Karimganj Apu Mazumdar and Enforcement Inspector Ahmed Hussain Mazumdar have been placed under suspension today.

They have been suspended for gross negligence of duties in checking overloading of vehicles and alleged involvement in Coal Syndicate. 

The Transport Minister has directed all DTOs for strict enforcement by checking over-speeding and monitoring overloading diligently. He further added that negligence of duty will not be tolerated and strict action will be taken against those found guilty.

Patowary has also directed SR.Mannan, DTO of Hailakandi and SU Tapadar, Enforcement Inspector, Hailakandi to take over the charge of DTO, Karimganj and Enforcement Inspector, Karimganj respectively in addition to their own duties until further order.


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