Assam reports 3,650 fresh Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours, pushing active cases to 43,377

The state of Assam on Sunday reported 3,650 new cases of coronavirus, pushing the active cases count to 43,377. The Positivity rate is 8.51 per cent. The deaths in the State has escalated to 2,179 with 56 New Deaths today reported. The overall caseload of the State has touched 3,29,629.

Of the new cases, Kamrup Metro registered 1,197, Dibrugah 240, Kamrup Rural at 211, Cachar 262. Total of 42,884 Tests were conducted in last 24 hours. The District wise deaths are: Kamrup Metro (13), Udalguri (5), Dibrugah (4), Jorhat (4), Kamrup R (4), Sonitpur (4), Cachar(3), Golaghat (3), Karbialong (3), Darang (2), Hojai(2), Tinsukia (2), Baksha (1), Barpeta (1), Dhemaji (1), Dhubri (1), Lakhimpur (1), Nagaon (1), Nalbari (1) 4,225 cured patients were discharged. The recovery rate of 85.73 per cent.


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