Assam Chief Secretary reviews Covid and Flood situation in Biswanath

Guwahati, June 12 (NKTV): The Chief Secretary, Government of Assam, Jishnu Barua today, while chairing a a high-level review meeting, asked the Biswanath District Administration to adopt a “targeted approach” towards vaccination where all frontline workers and persons coming in contact with masses are accorded priority.

Highlighting on testing and vaccination as the only two ways of controlling the Covid pandemic, Barua said that the administration needs to have a “vision plan” and “roadmap” in prioritising vaccination for those category of persons who were the most vulnerable. He stressed on the immediate need to vaccinate all Anganwadi workers and helpers in the district and persons working in Child Care Centres. He also asked the health department to ramp up vaccination in tea garden areas.

Since Biswanath lacks availability of Intensive Care Units (ICU), the Chief Secretary instructed the health department to refer all Covid patients with comorbidities from now onwards to Tezpur Medical College and Hospital (TMCH) so that, if required, intensive care could be provided to them without any lapse of time. He also asked the administration and health department to ensure institutional quarantine for Covid patients above the age of 50.

Barua instructed the health department to scale-up RTPCR testing in the district.

Reviewing the flood situation in the district, the Chief Secretary asked the administration to ensure social distancing in relief camps. He also instructed the administration to guarantee that flood-affected people get required and adequate relief material.


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