Unemployment rate at four-month high in India amid Covid-19 second wave: Study

Amid the second wave of the Covid-19 in India, lockdowns and economic closures has led to the unemployment rate going up to a four-month high. According to a study done by Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), the second wave of Covid-19 and lockdowns imposed to curb the dreaded coronavirus have impacted over 75 lakh jobs and condition of migrant workers have gone from bad to worse.

According to data, India’s unemployment rate touched 7.97% in April, as compared to 6.5% in March this year. The urban areas have witnessed a higher unemployment rate at 9.78 per cent and rural joblessness is at 7.13 per cent.

India has been reporting over 3 lakh cases of the dreaded coronavirus on daily basis and the situation is worsening day by day. Many states have imposed localised lockdowns to curb the infections but it has led to economic downfall also.


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