Rajnath Singh to inaugurate road in Lakhimpur today

The defence Minister of India Rajnath Singh will inaugurate the Kimin-Potin Road in Assam’s Lakhimpur district on Thursday. The inauguration programme will be held at 11.30 AM at Bilgarh. It was informed that the double-Lane 20 KM road constructed by the border roads organization (BRO) will facilitate the establishments of the proposed industrial belt in Arunachal Pradesh.

The Road will also serve as the main artery for the lower Subansiri district from Assam. After coming to power in Assam, the BJP-led Government is trying to increase connectivity in the Region through major road projects that have been initiated recently. It may be mentioned that the BRO has played a major role in the nation’s prosperity since its inception by developing roads, tunnels, and other infrastructure in rural places and inaccessible terrains across the country.


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