Railways deploy more Isolation Coaches in Assam for COVID-19 patients

In the relentless fight against COVID-19, the Ministry of Railways has been taking rapid action to provide all necessary help. Railways has been swiftly moving isolation coaches to places as per demand, mobilising workforce and delivering material for the task. 4400 isolation coaches with around 70,000 beds have already been arranged by the railways.

Following the latest demands from the state of Assam, the Northeast Frontier Railway has swiftly moved 21 isolation coaches to Guwahati and 20 isolation coaches to Badarpur near Silchar.

Earlier, the Assam government has urged NF Railway to prepare 150 Covid Care Coaches at various locations in the state, to be placed at identified stations as and when required by the state authorities. Around 20 such coaches, each having 350 beds with oxygen facilities were placed at Badarpur, Guwahati, Lumding, Bongaigaon and Tinsukia.

Recently, 10 Covid Care Coaches have been placed at Dimapur Railway Station in Nagaland and handed over to the state government for admitting Covid patients.


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