Assam imposes Covid-19 guidelines, markets and malls to close by 6 PM

In view of the rising Covid-19 cases in the state, the government of Assam has issued new guidelines that are to be implemented with immediate effect and are to remain in force till 30th April.

As per the orders issued on 20th April, all market places/supermarkets/shopping malls/weekly markets are to close by 6 pm. Religious places will allow only 20 persons per hour except for the iconic religious places where 50 persons can visit per hour.

Functions can be organised only with prior permission from the district authorities. Only 50 percent of the total capacity are allowed following Covid-19 protocols. Social distancing of 6 feet is to be maintained. Marriages and private functions can have 100 persons, and funeral gatherings are restricted to 20 persons only.

In work places, except for officers, only 50 percent employees are to attend office. However, this will not be applicable for essential/emergency services, law enforcement and election duties. Pregnant women and women with children below 5 years are to work from home.

All educational institutions are to opt for online teaching methods and not more than 50 percent students are to be allowed where necessary.

Public transportation like buses are to operate with 50 percent of the total capacity, only two passengers and the driver are allowed in smaller vehicles like auto rickshaws, cycle rickshaws and taxis.

Only 5 persons are allowed inside a shop at a time maintaining 6 feet distance. Shop owners to ensure all are wearing mask, hand gloves, should provide sanitizer and hand wash.

Barber shops, salons and parlours, industrial units and tea gardens all to continue functioning following Covid-19 protocols.

In a press conference held by the Chief Secretary to the government of Assam, Jishnu Barua, in the presence of DGP Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanta and Health Secretary Samir Sinha, it has been made clear that the present guidelines have been made on experimental basis, and the same may be modified further as and when felt necessary.

DGP Mahanta further urged people to strictly abide by the norms and strict action will be taken against violators, including imprisonment under IPC.


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