Assam Government issues revised COVID-19 restrictions, night curfew extended

Assam Government has issued revised COVID-19 guidelines as the positivity rate of COVID-19 cases have shown a significant rise. The new order will come to force from 5am of 5th May and shall remain in force until further orders.

As per the new orders night curfew is extended from 6 pm till 5 am. If the COVID-19 positivity rate reaches 10 percent or if the bed occupancy of ICUs and oxygen supported beds reach 60 percent in a given city or marked geographical area that area may be declared as ‘containment zone’ by the district magistrate.

Meetings and gatherings have been restricted. Only 20 persons will be allowed in marriage celebrations and funerals.

All shops and commercial establishments are to shut down at 2 pm on all days. Dine-in on restaurants, dhabas and other eateries are permitted till 2 pm only. However, takeaway and home delivery of food can are allowed till 6 pm.

All offices, both private and government will have be shut down at 2 pm on all days. Furtehr, except officers, only 50% employees can work from office.

Taxis can operate with one driver and two
passengers maintaining social distancing. City buses, intra-district, inter-district and inter-state buses will be allowed to operate with 50% of seating capacity.

Essentials services have been exempted.

Violators will be liable to be proceeded against as per provisions of Section 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, besides legal action under Sec. 188 of IPC and other legal provisions as applicable. Any person not wearing face mask and/ or spitting in public places shall be fined to
the tune of Rs.1000.


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