Abnormally high electricity bills create sensation in Assam village

In a shocking incident, the electricity bills of most families in a village of Assam came to over 5 lakh rupees in a two-month span. The incident occurred in Bon-Ahopa village of Mushalpur of Baksa district. Most of the families do farming for their livelihood in this village and no one has a high-profile job in government offices or corporates.

According to locals, the electricity board or APDCL often resort to load-shedding in their area and the problem of excessive bill has been existing for ages. The villagers had also lodged complaints against irregularity of electricity and high bill charges but nothing was done by the power board.

Villagers are in shock after they came to know that most of their electricity bills were charged from Rs 20,000 to Rs 5 lakh. If any solution is not found then the villagers have urged the power board to cut the electricity as its is impossible to pay such high amounts as they are just farmers and daily wage labourers.

This incident has brought sensation in the area and villagers have urged the media to bring the problem to light and has also requested the power board to solve the difficulties as soon as possible.


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