Inflated electricity bills put Kakopothar villagers in a fix

In another incident of gross mismanagement from the state electricity board, villagers of Kakopothar Doomdooma of Tinsukia district received electricity blass of over Rs 83,000 for the last month. Around 50 families of Kakopothar village received around the same amount in their electricity bills which has brought immense tension and anguish among the villagers.

According to the villagers, the electricity board employees of Doomdooma sub-division are involved in this deed and the villagers have registered a complaint with the APDCL but till now nothing has been done to resolve the issue.

The villagers are anguished with the sub-division office of electricity board and have urged to solve the problem as soon as possible. Not only this month, every month the villagers get high bills despite most of the families being farmers and daily wage workers who do not use electricity to a high extent.


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