Sensation in Silapathar as vaccinated person dies of Covid-19


A person aged 51 of Silapathar died of Covid-19 on Monday night in a private hospital of Dibrugarh. Interestingly, the deceased Gajendra Tanyeng took his first dose of coronavirus vaccine eight days ago.

According to reports, the deceased had severe fever and cough which led to decrease in oxygen level and he died on the way to hospital in Dibrugarh.

A few days ago Gajendra’s wife Rohila had also contracted the coronavirus and was admitted to ICU as her health had deteriorated. The death has brought immense sorrow and grief among the family members of Gajendra and also brought sensation in the Silapathar area as the deceased had taken Covid-19 vaccine earlier but still had contracted the dreaded virus.

Meanwhile, Gajendra’s wife Rohila is still fighting the Covid-19 in hospital as her health condition is also deteriorating day by day.

still had contracted the dreaded virus.Meanwhile, Gajendra’s wife Rohila is still fighting the Covid-19 in hospital as her health condition is also deteriorating day by day.


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