Gunmen loot 8 lakhs in broad daylight from Dhekiajuli bank

In a sensational incident around Rs 8,50,000 was looted by robbers in broad daylight on Monday from the Central Bank of India, Dhekiajuli branch. The robbery occurred at around 12.40 pm today. Three gun toting men entered the bank with other weapons as well and decamped with the money.

According to reports, one robber was carrying an AK-47 rifle, one had a pistol and one robber had a sharp weapon. The robbers entered the Central Bank of India branch wearing helmets so as to avoid being identified. Initially they attacked the security guard of the bank with sharp weapons and then entered the bank from where they looted around 8 lakh rupees.

The incident has brought sensation in Dhekiajuli and the police have launched their initial investigation. All CCTV footages have been seized for further investigation.


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