Corruption in sale of flats at Games Village, Minister’s involvement alleged

Guwahati, June 06 (NKTV): Within a month of formation of the new government in Assam, corruption charges have surfaced against a Minister. The minister is allegedly involved in corruption relating to the selling of flats at Games Village in Guwahati. It may be mentioned here that the Assam State Housing Board in February had notified that 41 flats at the Borsajai Games Village were up for sale and application forms had to be collected after payment of a sum of 500 rupees.

Also, interested buyers who wanted to purchase flats through GMDA had to pay an amount of one lakh rupees via demand draft.

After the elections and formation of new government, another notification of the Assam State Housing Board stated that 43 flats are up for sale. However, the notification also stated that 22 of the mentioned flats have already been booked by an unknown NGO. Also, interested buyers were given a time period of only nine days to submit their applications. What is interesting is that advertisement regarding the same was not published anywhere. Unlike before, a sum of Rs 2.5 lakh had to be paid for booking, instead of the previous sum of one lakh rupees.

It has been alleged that Guwahati Development Minister Ashok Singhal is involved in the whole process.

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